1. General surgeon and endocrinologist consultation
  2. Gastroscopy with anesthesia and biopsy
  3. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and thyroid gland
  4. Ultrasonography of the heart
  5. Electrocardiogram – ECG

Laboratory tests:

  1. Complete Blood Count
  2. Coagulogram without D-dimer
  3. Determination of Blood Group and Rhesus
  4. Safe blood analysis
  5. Determination of vitamin D in blood
  6. Determination of vitamin B12 in blood
  7. Determination of (TSH) thyroid stimulating hormone in blood
  8. Determination of creatinine in blood
  9. Determination of alkaline phosphatase in blood
  10. Determination of glycated hemoglobin
  11. Determination of C-reactive protein in blood
  12. Ferritin
  13. Lipase
  14. Liver function tests – expanded
  15. Determination of albumin in blood
  16. Electrolyte balance (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium)
  17. Determination of (TSH) thyroid stimulating hormone in blood
  18. Insulin
  19. Lipid profile
  20. Determination of cortisol in bloo