Multifunctional laboratory of “Private Clinic” analyzers equipped with the advanced analyzers of the world famous USA manufacturer Johnson & Johnson, and the Hungarian company Diagon that allows us to offer a full range of high quality laboratory research to our patients.
The research results can be obtained by fax or by e-mail.
Laboratory services are also available on-call.
Laboratory tests conducted in the following areas:
Complete blood test / BL.6
Determination of hemoglobin / BL.1.1
Determining the level of glycated hemoglobin / BL.1.8
Biochemical blood (BL.7.1; BL.10.1.1; BL.10.1.3; BL.11; BL.11.2.1; BL.11.2.2; B.11.2.3 / BL.INT.4
Determination of total protein in the blood, urine / BL.7.1
Determination of total protein in the cerebrospinal fluid (PROT) / LQ.2.2
Determination of albumin in the blood / BL.7.4
Determination of troponin I and E in the blood / BL.7.8
Determination of C-reactive protein in the blood / BL.7.9.1
IgG antibodies to rheumatoid factor Fc (RF) / IM.8.3.1
Determination of rheumatoid factor (including BL.17; BL.7.9.1: IM.8.3.1) / BL.INT.3
Determination azotv urea in the blood, urine / BL.9.1
Determination of creatinine in the blood, urine / BL.9.3
Determination of uric acid in the blood, urine /BL.9.7
Determination of total bilirubin in the blood / BL.10.1.1
Determination of free (unconjugated) bilirubin in the blood / BL.10.1.2
Determination of conjugated bilirubin in the blood / BL.10.1.3
Determination of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in blood / BL.11.1.1
Determination of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels / BL.11.2.1
Determination of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) in the blood / BL.11.2.2
Determination of Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) / BL.11.2.3
Determining the level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood / BL.INT.1
Determination of alpha-amylase in the blood, urine / BL.11.4
Definition (BL.14.2 annalizator) of potassium in the blood / BL.14.2
Determination of creatine kinase MB-fraction in the blood / BL.11.2.5
Determination of creatine kinase in the blood / BL.11.2.4
Determination of glucose in blood, urine (analyzer) / BL.12.1
Determination of glucose in the blood kappilyarnoy (rapid method) / BL.12.1
Lipid metabolism (including BL.13.2; BL.13.6; BL.13.7.2a; BL.13.7.2b; BL.13.7.2.c) / BL.INT.2
Determination of cholesterol in the blood / BL.13.2
Identify common triglycerides / BL.13.6
Determination LP high density cholesterol in the blood (alpha-lipoproteins) / BL.13.7.2a
Determination LP of very low density cholesterol in the blood (pre-beta lipoproteins) / BL.13.7.2b
Determination LP low density cholesterol in the blood (beta lipoproteins) / BL.13.7.2c
Determination indicators electrolyte balance (K, Ca +) / BL.14
Determination of magnesium in the blood, urine / BL.14.4
Determination of iron in the blood / BL.14.5
Determination of blood calcium, urine / BL.15.1
Determination of phosphorus in the blood, urine / BL.15.2
Coagulation / CG.7
Determination of non-stabilized blood clotting time / CG.2.1.1
Determination of prothrombin (thromboplastin) time in the blood / CG.2.1.7
Determination of thrombin time / CG.2.1.11
Determination of activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) / CG.2.1.2
Determination of fibrinogen in the blood /BL.7.9.6
Determination of fibrin degradation products (D-dimer) / CG.4.2.6
The international normalized ratio (INR) INR: International normalized ratio / CG.6
Urinalysis / UR.7
Sample Zimnitsky / UR.5
Bacterioscopy vaginal smear / MB.1
Certain cells of the vaginal epithelium in the secretions of female genital mutilation / GF.1
Determination of red blood cells in the secretions of female genital mutilation / GF.2
Determination of white blood cells in the secretions of female genital mutilation / GF.2
Determination of the purity of vaginal discharge / GF.5
Determination of blood groups (A1, A2, A3, B) / IM.10.1.1
Determining Rh factor / IM.10.1.2
Determination of reaction Coombs /IM.10.3
Determination of other antigens of red blood cells (including Rhesus phenotyping) /IM.10.6.2
Typing erythrocyte antigens (blood group and Rh factor) /IM.10.1
Determination of carbohydrate antigen CA 19-9 levels /IM.18.1.3a
Determination of carbohydrate antigen CA 125 in the blood /IM.18.1.3b
Determination of carbohydrate antigen CA 15-3 levels /IM.18.1.3c
Determination of carcinoembryonic antigen CEA in blood /IM.18.1.2
Determination of alpha-fetoprotein AFP levels /IM.18.1.1
Determination of total prostate-specific antigen levels (PSA) /IM.18.1.6a
Determination of free triiodothyronine in the blood (FT3) /HR.1.1
Determination of free thyroxine levels (FT4) /HR.1.2
Determination of thyroglobulin in the blood /HR.1.4
Determination of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in the blood /HR.3.6
Antibodies to thyroglobulin / IM.4.1.1
Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase / IM.4.1.2
Antibodies to the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSH) / IM.9.3.2
Determination of FSH in blood (FSH) /HR.3.4
Determination of prolactin in the blood /HR.3.7
Determination of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the blood /HR.3.8
Determination of cortisol in the blood /HR.5.5
Definition of C-peptide in the blood /HR.6.2
Determination of progesterone /HR.7.1
Determination of estradiol in the blood /HR.7.2
Determination of testosterone in the blood /HR.7.3
Determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) /HR.8
Determination of insulin in the blood / HR.6.1
Determination of vitamin B12 in the blood /BL.16.2
Determination of folic acid (folate) blood /BL.16
Determination of ferritin in the blood / BL.7.10.5
Determination of antibodies Ig M class to Chlamydia trachomatis / MB.4.79
Determination of antibody class Ig G Chlamydia trachomatis / MB.4.79
Defining class antibodies to cytomegalovirus Ig M / MB.9.8
Determination of Ig G class antibodies to cytomegalovirus / MB.9.87
Determination of antibodies Ig M to the class of herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 / MB.9.30
Determination of Ig G class antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 / MB.9.31
Determination of antibodies Ig M class to Toxoplasma gondii / PR.2.37
Determination of Ig G class antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii / PR.2.37
Determination of antigen Hepatitis B (HbsAg) blood / MB.9.25
Determination of antibodies to HIV of the first and second type (Anti-HIV 1 + 2) / MB.9.36
Determination of antibodies to Hepatitis C (Anti-HCV) in blood / MB.9.26
Determination of syphilis in the blood (Treponema pallidum) / MB.9.386
Troponin test (qualitative) / BL.7.8
Total Fecal / FA.4
Fecal worms / MB.19.1
Determination of blood in the stool (occult blood) / FA.2.2
Plasmapheresis / WGX400