
Gela Gogishvili – The founder of GMS GROUP

“Privat Clinic”, Mtskheta Referral Medical Center and Blood Bank – Turning Points talks to the group about these three directions. The medical concept of all three institutions is defined by the level of patient’s satisfaction and has the leading position in Georgian medical market.


Gela Gogolishvili – the founder of the team

The team came together to engage in medical field in 2007, before that each one of us had our own path, serving in the field of medical management, in the directions of legal and financial work, quality management, healthcare management, and public relations.

We are proud that we’ve greatly contributed to changes in the field of healthcare. When the reforms started, we took over medical centers of different sizes and profiles across Georgia, the structure and the management system of the clinics were fully upgraded – we built new clinics and renewed existing ones; we equipped and trained the staff. We were actively involved in the introduction of international practices, including the introduction of electronic systems.

This was our journey, until 2014, before establishing “Privat Clinic” – a new institution with a new concept and new goals. Additionally, the Blood Bank with a centuries-old history, named after an academic Grigol Mukhadze resumed its functioning here. Later, in 2017 we implemented the project of Mtskheta Medical Center.

Privat Clinic, Mtskheta Referral Medical Center and the Blood Bank – with this distribution we have basically taken on three principal directions: Tbilisi with an outpatient clinic, Mtskheta – with emergency services and the Blood Bank – a facility meeting a unique need.

Our main goal was to find ourselves in such a way to be able to compete with other, much bigger and financially strong players in the market, which we accomplished successfully.


Salome Gogishvili – the team’s public relations manager

As for the name of St. John the Merciful, this is European influence, where most hospitals have the names of saints, often meaning a high class medical center with quality and reliability. We were aware of the life of St. John, who was the patron of medical establishments as early as in the 7th century in Alexandria and we named the clinic after him.

“Privat Clinic” has signed a memorandum with Vienna “Privat Clinic”. That’s where the name comes from. Under this memorandum, professors and leading doctors come here from Austria. They not only conduct surgeries, but also give lectures and hold masterclasses. It is noteworthy that from time to time our doctors and staff members undergo practice at various European medical institutions.

We are very flexible and active in terms of public relations, both on social networks and in the media and we believe this is the cornerstone of our company’s success.


Giorgi Gogishvili – Clinical Director at “Privat Clinic”

Our medical concept is determined by a patient’s level of satisfaction. In the context of existing competition, establishing ourselves was very hard at the initial stage. We had to swim against the current and face tough challenges – that’s how we set a precise goal and achieved success.

To be in the patient shoes – This saying teaches us to live with the patient’s feelings.

When someone has a health problem, they are searching for the best solution, the patients must have a sense that with us, they found what they had been looking for – qualified service and a personal approach. The patient should not be a statistic, one more ordinary person; instead, they should feel that they have been treated with special care.

Medical science may not always win the battle with the disease, but the doctor’s work must be carried out with responsibility and at the highest level. To achieve this, we put together a team, as a chain – starting from the security service and all the way to the chief doctor and administration.


Nika Chelidze – the founder of Mtskheta Medical Center

The Mtskheta Clinic has its own concept – here we must provide such quality of medical services that there is no outflow of patients from their place of residence in order to receive services elsewhere.

The Mtskheta Medical Center has been functioning for four years. The clinic has already broken the stereotype that receiving a quality medical service in the regions is impossible. The hospital has 180 beds, covering mostly the Mtskheta-Mtianeti region, as a referral center. I can boldly say – the group at our clinic, the specialists, doctors, nurses – all together are successfully fulfilling their duties.

April 1, 2020 was the day when the 300th Covid-patient was registered in Georgia. Since that day, the Mtskheta Center has been fully involved in the management of the Covid pandemic and until now we have provided service to more than 15 000 patients.

The main thing that sets our working principle apart is our individual approach, the employment of correct medical practices and our care for the patients.


Ana Janashvili – the team’s Financial Service Manager

Patient’s satisfaction is not only about medical service, but also about administratively simplified procedures and fast service. Our corporate system is so flexible that the clinics of our group are a dream job for all medical levels: nurses, hospital attendants, doctors.

And all this is achieved independently, because we are not dependent on each other in terms of bureaucracy. With us, issues are discussed with ease, according to horizontal principles. This is a union of free people. We, the entire team have our personal experience. We all could have pursued our own carrier path individually, but we’ve created a team of professionals motivated by the results.


Nino Maghradze – Quality Management Director of Privat Clinic

One of the main principles of quality management is feedback from the patient. Our relationship does not end on the day the patient is discharged; it continues through recovery. We pay attention and take into account the assessment of all patients, because the quality means patient satisfaction.

Privat Clinic collaborates with top surgeons at Europe’s leading clinics; their positive evaluation is very important to us. After visiting us, foreign specialists note that there is a European standard and the environment necessary for partnership here. We have introduced the practice of European medicine, which was facilitated by our continuous relationship with Europe’s leading institutions and specialists.


Privat Clinic – the guarantee of quality!